FASt-Mal Project
Quicker accurate malaria diagnosis will enable faster delivery of clinical services to facilitate International Development Goals for the sub-Saharan African region and other regions of the world affected by malaria ... Read more
Poverty on the Chip (PoC)
This project aimed at developing and validating a practical methodology that governments of developing countries, including Nigeria, can use to accurately estimate socio-economic deprivation at a fine level of spatio-temporal granularity ...Read more
Image Quality Transfer (IQT)
The Image Quality Transfer (IQT) project is co-led by an international research group from Nigeria and United Kingdom. ...Read more
Digital Vouchers
A digital platform, grounded on distributed ledger technology, to tackle challenges associated with out-of-pocket payments for child and maternal health. ...View Project
Region Specific Data-Driven Malaria Prevalence Prediction Systems
We propose a deployment scenario where many regional centers (figure), each a regionally trained REMPS node (harnessing such local data at its best), ...View Project